Album of Memories

To honor the memory of those who are recognized as Benefactors, Founders, or Named Fund, the Wood River Community Centennial Foundation Board established a Memorial Book to record their story. Some of the stories have been received which indirectly tell the story of the Wood River area. Some of the stories tell of the “old ties” to the community. Other stories tell of individuals who lived in our community for a short time or who visited and left their “memories” with us.

The family is asked to prepare a resume for the honored individual (family). Below is an explanation of the format and suggestions for the story. A copy of the Biography Book is at the Foundation Office.  Along with the Resume the Foundation would like to include a picture of the honored person. This picture can be a snap shot: it does not have to be a formal picture.

Format for the Resume One 8 x 11 sheet (regular size) typed. Single spaced, wide left margin. One typed sheet is approximately 500 words.
Suggestions for the Biography: Family (parents, spouse, children). Occupation, Ties with the Community, Interests in Wood River Community.
Other points of interest: “What would you like the community to remember about this person?” The resume may be mailed to the Foundation at P.O. Box 493, Wood River, 68883 or e-mail to


Abbott, Roscoe, Sabra, & Hazel

Apfel, Ina

Allan III, George “Joe”Dingwall

Allan, James

Arnett, Eva

Babel, Charles R.

Bilslend, Emma

Bonsack, Herb

Burns, Lena Moffit

Brannon, Gordon C. “Red”

Brittin,Earle and Eleanor (Bald) (FOUNDER’S FUND)

Campbell, Ronald

Carter, Hugo and Jennelea (Bald) Carter

Coleman, Ernestine

Derr, Roger

Dubbs, Alice “Sally”

Emery, Joseph Francis

Francis, Jerome & Frances

Hannon, Elaine

Hannon, Michael

Harders, Debra

Heinrich, Calvin & Virginia

Hensley, Gerald E. and Marian M.

History of the Bank of Wood River

Indra, Mary Ann

Jacobs, Esther

Johnson, Paul & Thelma

Koehn, Nancy

Keezer, Karen

Knight, Esther Ballagh and Francis “Doc”

Lowell, Howard

Maloney, George & Genevieve

Mazour, Ervin 

Mazour, James

McCumber, Andrew W.

Bernadine Mary McCumber

McCumber, Mildred M.

Moyer, Charles “Chick” & Donna – Contributions

Ethel (Wilson) Nelson

Nguyen, Dr. and Mrs. Bay

O’Kane, Robert (Harold) and Mildred

Olson, Lelia (Burmood)

Olson, Whitman C.

Opp, Christian and Johanna

Opp, Robert

Phelan, Father Walter M.

Rathman, Maxine

Rathman, Jerome J.

Reck, Dr. W. Emerson and Hazel

Senseney, Newton and Alvena

Smith, Alice (Bald)

Smith, Cleo C.

Steiger, John and Hattie (FOUNDER’S FUND)

Swanson, Ruth

Thelen, Mary Virginia

Quisenberry, Fran

Wagoner, Cecelia

Wagoner, Florence

Wagoner, John

Wagoner, Patrick

Wagoner, Thomas

Wagoner, Thomas and Cecelia family

Walter and Dorothy Webster

Welch, Louis and Sunny family

Wood River Rural High Boys Basketball Team, 1989-1990

Zulkoski, Barbara Meier