Grants Funded

Grants Funded

Grant Application



The Wood River Community Centennial Foundation approved a grant request from the Wood River Aquatic Center for the purchase of pool toys, pool noodles, life jackets and water aerobic weights. This grant was funded by the Virginia Heinrich Memorial Fund and was approved by the family. These items were enjoyed during the 2024 season and made possible by generous gifts that funded this memorial fund.


The Wood River Community Centennial Foundation was proud to sponsor Storyteller Joe Hayes program for the Wood River Elementary Students on Feb 6th. Mr. Hayes regaled students in kindergarten through second grade about the “Earth Monster” and “, the Butterfly.” For third, fourth and fifth graders he told the story of a haunted house in the two he grew up. He is a pioneer of bilingual Spanish/English storytelling that he feels helps the Spanish speaking children feel proud of their heritage and helps non-Hispanic children to appreciate the Spanish language and Culture. After the presentation, he met students as they departed.


Over the past 40 years the Wood River Community Centennial Foundation has approved grants of over $82,500.00 for the Wood River Elementary School

Grants Nov 2022-Oct 2023:    $87,563.64
*W.R. Elementary Playground $25,000.00
*Post Prom         500.00
*Legacy Station (Go Big Give) $50,000.00
*Celebrate Wood River $10,000.00
*Local Responders      1,000.00
*Second Grade State Fair Visit         163.64
Maltman Library         900.00
*Prior approval from Established Funds

Grants Nov 2021-Oct 2022:        $32,451.50

WRRH 2 Auto Est Defibrillators    1,598.00
WRRH Scoreboard Ad                  1,000.00
WRRH Fine Arts                            3,000.00
Hall City Historical Marker            2,500.00
WR Elem Polar Express Event          162.50
WRRHClose-up                                900.00
*Post prom                                       500.00
*Go Big Give matching                  5,000.00
WRRH Nursing Program                2,000.00
*WRRH Digital Trophy Case         15,645.00
*WRElem Pre School                         146.00
*prior approval from established funds

American Legion (8) 5,870.00 School, Rural (18) 2,619.00
Celebrate Wood River (15) 95,867.04 Stick Creek Kids (5) 58,708.73
City of Wood River (4) 13,138.50 Fitness Center 82,148.53
Community Club (2) 3,000 Scholarships (500+) 226,935.00
Community Choir (7) 2,818.00 WR Fire/Rescue (15) 35,435.00
Good Samaritan (11) 16,513.75 WR Cemetery (3) 8,080.00
Hall County Historical Society (6) 10,100.00 WR Ball Assoc. (5) 16,756.00
Library Park Project (94-96) 3,492.06 WR Municipal Pool 13,816.73
Neb. Groundwater Festival 3,000.00 WR Ministerial Assoc. Back Pack 500.00
Maltman Library (9) 5,577.43 Vision 20/20 18,134.48
School District 8 (36) 35,247.26 Other (51) 18,641.02
School District 83 (79) 118,739.39 Total $795,460.92
English Class 3,000.00

Grants 2021 – $32,164.42

Stick Creek Kids                               $25,000.00
W.R. Elementary 2/3 Grade St Fair   $341.42
Fitness Center                                  $323.00
SCK’s Stem Program                        $500.00
GI Hist Soc, Sunbeam Digitization   $1,500.00
GI Hist Soc, Lincoln Hwy Marker      $2,500.00
Celebrate WR 21-22 Series              $2.000.00

Total Grants/Scholarships 11/01/2021

American Legion (8) 5,870.00 School, Rural (18) 2,619.00
Celebrate Wood River (15) 95,867.04 Stick Creek Kids (5) 58,708.73
City of Wood River (4) 13,138.50 Fitness Center 82,148.53
Community Club (2) 3,000 Scholarships (481+) 213,835.00
Community Choir (7) 2,818.00 WR Fire/Rescue (15) 35,435.00
Good Samaritan (11) 16,513.75 WR Cemetery (3) 8,080.00
Hall County Historical Society (5) 7,600.00 WR Ball Assoc. (5) 16,756.00
Library Park Project (94-96) 3,492.06 WR Municipal Pool 13,816.73
Neb. Groundwater Festival 3,000.00 WR Ministerial Assoc. Back Pack 500.00
Maltman Library (9) 5,577.43 Vision 20/20 18,134.48
School District 8 (33) 29,938.76 Other (50) 18,141.02
School District 83 (73) 94,596.39 Total $749.909.42
English Class 3,000.00

Grants 2020 – $14,991.00

WRRHS Youth Sports F              $2,500.00
Hall Cty Historical Soc              $1,500.00
WR Ministerial, Backpack            $ 500.00
W.R. Rescue, Stop the Bleed    $1,600.00
WRRH, English Classes              $3,000.00
Hall Cty Historial Soc marker    $1,500.00
WRRH Fitness Center                  $311.00
W.R. Cemetery                          $2,080.00
Celebrate Wood River              $2,000.00

Total Grants/Scholarships to date: (2020 )

American Legion (8) 5,870.00 School, Rural (18) 2,619.00
Celebrate Wood River (14) 93,867.04 Stick Creek Kids (3) 33,208.73
City of Wood River (4) 13,138.50 Fitness Center 82,148.53
Community Club (2) 3,000 Scholarships (456+) 205,890.00
Community Choir (7) 2,818.00 WR Fire/Rescue (15) 35,435.00
Good Samaritan (11) 16,513.75 WR Cemetery (3) 8,080.00
Hall County Historical Society (3) 3,600.00 WR Ball Assoc. (5) 16,756.00
Library Park Project (94-96) 3,492.06 WR Municipal Pool 13,816.73
Neb. Groundwater Festival 3,000.00 WR Ministerial Assoc Back Pack 500.00
Maltman Library (9) 5,577.43 Vision 20/20 18,134.48
School District 8 (32) 29,597.34 Other (50) 18,141.02
School District 83 (73) 94,596.39 Total $709,800.00

Grants 2019 $46,483.59

Ordnance Plant Historical Marker        $600.00
W.R. Elementary Sch STEM Prog        $1,278.64
Stick Creek Kids                                 $10,000.00
Stick Creek Kids 2018 Go Big Give    $18,208.73
Stick Creek Kids Matching                  $5,000.00
Vision 20/20 Facebook Page              $1,000.00
W.R. Elem, 2017 Go Big Give Bal        $4,450.00
Second Grade State Fair                        $184.22
Fitness Center                                        $562.00
Celebrate Wood River 2019-20          $5,000.00
W.R. Community Garden                      $200.00


Total Grants/Scholarships to date: (2019)

American Legion (8) 5870 School, Rural (18) 2,619
Celebrate Wood River (13) 91,867.04 Stick Creek Kids (3) 33,208.73
City of Wood River (4) 13,138.50 Fitness Center 81,837.53
Community Club (2) 3,000 Scholarships (456) 200,190.00
Community Choir (7) 2,818 WR Fire/Rescue (14) 33,835.00
Good Samaritan (11) 16,513.75 WR Cemetery (2) 6,000
Hall County Historical Society 600 WR Ball Assoc. (5) 16,756.00
Library Park Project (94-96) 3,492.06 W.R.I.D.E. (15) 2,450
Neb. Groundwater Festival 3,000 WR Val Hist Soc (1) 500
Maltman Library (9) 5,577.43 WR Afford Housing 750
School District 8 (32) 29,597.34 Vision 20/20 18,134.48
School District 83 (72) 92,096.39 Other (30) 11,242.00
Total  $689,109.09


The community of Wood River was very generous in supporting the Stick Creek Kids on Go Big Give Day, May 2019. On that day $17,711.35 was raised. Stick Creed kids fund qualified to receive a portion of the match pool funds and prizes that resulted in the receipt of $18,208.73 from Go Big Give.

The Wood River Community Centennial Foundation issued a matching grant challenge that it would match $1 for every $2 raised up to a maximum of $5,000.00. This challenge was reached and the $5,000 was presented resulting in a total of $23,208.73 for Stick Creek Kids capital campaign from the Go Big Give day of giving.

The Wood River Community Centennial Foundation is proud to support the Stick Creek Kids Child Development Center as they work on their vision to keep Wood River growing while helping families find reliable, quality early childhood education for their children.

Nebraska State Fair visit – Alice Dubbs Named Fund

The Wood River Elementary Second Graders were presented with a check from the Wood River Community Centennial Foundation for their visit to the Nebraska State Fair next week. They will have the opportunity to participate in the Nebraska’s Largest Classroom program at the fair. Students will be able to learn about different animals and agriculture in the state of Nebraska.

Funds for this grant were from the Alice Dubbs Named Fund. Mrs. Dubbs was a long time second grade teacher at Wood River Elementary. The family designated her named fund to be used by the second grade class. Jeanette Dean represented her mother along with Jenny Reeder, Heather Zessin, Kaye Doane, Peg Krause and Judy Wagoner from the Foundation in making this presentation. This is the third class to benefit from the Alice Dubbs Named Fund.

A named fund can be established with a beginning balance of $500.00 with thee donor having the option to designate the use. For further information contact a board member or at [email protected] or P.O. Box 493, Wood River.

Ball Cage Summer 2018 – John & Marie Collins Named Fund

The Wood River Community Centennial Foundation board recently approved a grant request from the Wood River Ball Association for new fencing and a batting cage net for the existing Batting Cage at the Wood River ball fields. The funding for this grant of $13,026.00 was from the John & Marie Collins Named Fund, the earnings of the Founder’s Fund, General Fund and the Benefactor’s fund. From the youth shown in this picture this grant will benefit all of the Wood River ball players from the beginners to high school youth.

The mission of the Wood River Community Centennial Foundation is to serve to collect donations, establish funds, invest the funds with Heritage Bank Trust Department, and to consult with the designated representative of the funds when the money is to used to fund a grant.

John and Marie Collins were long time Wood River residents. Their family graduating from Wood River High School. John ran a filing station (the site of the Heritage Bank Drive through) and enjoyed baseball. Their named fund was used to partially fund this grant.

Close Up 2018

Total Grants/Scholarships to date: (2017)

American Legion (8) 5870 School, Rural (18) 2,619
Celebrate Wood River (12) 77,867.04 Fitness Center 45,477.91
City of Wood River (2) 13,000.00 Scholarships (404) 179,190.00
Community Club (2) 3,000 WR Fire/Rescue (14) 33,835.00
Community Choir (7) 2,818 WR Cemetery (2) 6,000
Good Samaritan (11) 16,513.75 WR Ball Assoc. (4) 3,730
Library Park Project (94-96) 3,492.06 W.R.I.D.E. (15) 2,450
Neb. Groundwater Festival 3,000 WR Val Hist Soc (1) 500
Maltman Library (8) 5,038.78 WR Afford Housing 750
School District 8 (26) 21,681.14 Vision 20/20 10,410.48
School District 83 (69) 82,818.39 Other (29) 10,242.00
Total $530,303.55

Grants 2016 $29,921.13

In 2016 the Go Big Day funds were designated for the Wood River Fire and Rescue Ambulance Fund. On the day of the event $ 10,946.00 was raised. The Foundation qualified for part of the incentive prize resulting in a check received of $12,099.18 From Go Big Give 2016. The Foundation had pledged matching funds of up to $5,000.00 and with additional contributions received after that date and the William Wetterer named fund a check was presented to the Wood river Rescue Squad of $19,500.00 for the new ambulance.

Fitness Center $456.02
WR Elementary School (3 comp)           1,409.99
WR Elem 2nd Grade Fair Trip                    214.14
Vision 20/20 Park Christmas Lights     2,440.98
Close-up D.C. Trip (38 Students)           1,900.00
WR Ministerial (Comm Garden)            2,000.00
WR Volunteer Fire & Rescue
(Go Big Give)                                            13,908.18
WR Volunteer Fire & Rescue                 5,591.82
City of WR OOR Grant                           1,000.00
Celebrate Wood River                            1,000.00

Grants 2015, $8,996.23

Maltman Library                 $909.95
Wood River Elementary     1,800.00
Celebrate Wood river          5,903.74
Fitness Center                       382.54

Grants 2014 $31,267.17

Celebrate Wood River                            5,303.87
*W.R. Elementary Program                    1,000.00 (Julie Cook)
– Larry Niemack Named fund
WR Rural After School Program (2)    3,831.00
*WR Rural Close-Up                                 1,650.00
WR Rural Fitness Center                        1,252.30
WR Ball Association                                   630.00
WR Elementary Science Camp             1,000.00
W.R. Gear Tech                                           600.00
*WR Cemetery                                           1,000.00 (Cemetery Monument)
– General Funds
*Vision 20/20                                            3,000.00 (Welcome signs)
– General Funds
*City of Wood River                                12,000.00  (City Hall Furnishings)
– Bernadine MCumber Named Fund & Mildred McCumber Named fund

* Pictured above

 Grants 2013

WR Rural Sound System              10,000.00
WR Rural High 2 Defibrillators      2,978.00
*WRR High Podium                            650.00
– Mark Dibbern Named Fund (pictured with Verna & Jerry Dibbern)
Maltman Library 2 computers       3,000.00
*WR Gazebo Walkway lights & benches     4,969.50
– General Fund
Robotics Club                                          388.66
*WR Schools Outdoor signs           16,000.00
– James Allan Benefactor Fund
Fitness Center Maintenance                440.98
*Lighting and Benches for Gazebo
– General Fund

Total $38,427.14

* Pictured above

Grants to 11/01/2012

The WRCCF & The Rural Schools Booster Club giving a donation
to upgrade the sound system in the auditorium.


Sonya Schultz & Judy Waganor

American Legion (8)                        3,625.00
Celebrate Wood River (8)              58,716.02
Good Samaritan (8)                       16,594.48
Maltman Library (4)                        1,128.83
School District 8 (22)                      19,357.00
School District 83 (58)                    55,724.37
Fitness Center                                     44,321.91
Scholarships (350)                         115,690.00
WR Fire/Rescue (12)                        13,585.00
WR Cemetery (1)                                 5,000.00
– Jeanetta Boeka Named Fund & Benefactors Fund
WR Baseball (3)                                    3,100.00
Park (2)                                                  4,747.00
Other (28) 26,235.00     TOTAL $373,148.16

The following requests for grants were funded in 2011 $22,555.22

Wood River Rural Fire Dept
Training Material 200.00
*Flag Poles 4,000.00
– Hugo & Jennelea Carter Named Fund, Roger Derr Named Fund, Richard DeVore Named Fund
Wood River Elementary
*Library Furnishings 1,600.00
– Alice Smith Named Fund
Future Business Leaders Nat Convention 350.00
*WR Robotics Club 1,351.58
Am Legion Post 34 300.00
WR Rural High Art 1,000.00
Celebrate WR 9,808.64
WWII Hero Flight 2,345.00
St Mary’s Catholic Ch 100.00
Chi Tai Class 200.00
W R Comm Choir 400.00

* Pictured above

The following requests for grants were funded in 2010:

WR Elementary Science Fair
ASKUS (Middle School)
WR Fire Dept. Ed. Tapes
Moyer Fine Arts

The following requests for grants were funded in 2009:

WR Rural Portable Microphone
Fitness Center – Walking Trail
ASKUA Program (Middle School)
FBLA (High School)
Fine Arts Program

The following requests for grants were funded in 2006-2007:

School District 83 – Close-Up, FBLA, A.S.K US Outdoors, Theatre Sculpture
Celebrate W.R.
Fitness Center
Good Samaritan, Rose Garden

The following requests for grants were funded in 2005-2006:

Wood River Elementary – Writers Workshop
School District 83 – Close-Up, FBLA, A.S.K US Outdoors
Fine Arts Series

The following requests for grants were funded in 2004-2005:

CLOSE-UP Group to fund trip to Washington, D.C.

The following requests for grants were funded in 2003-2004:

CLOSE-UP Group to fund trip to Washington, D.C.
Funding was granted for $100.00 per student participating from General Fund.

Wood River Elementary Grant – Wood River History


The following requests for grants were funded in 1999-2000:



FBLA to help fund 5 students to go to convention.
Funding was granted for $100 per student from General Fund

Leadership Tomorrow to help fund 2 students in program.
Funding was granted for $100 per student from General Fund


Funding for automated defibrillator.
Funding for $3,850 from Bank Employees Named Fund


The following requests for grants were funded in 1998-1999:

CLOSE-UP Group to fund trip to Washington, D.C.
Funding was granted for $100.00 per student participating from General Fund.



 The following requests for grants were funded in 1997-1998:


CLOSE-UP Group to fund trip to Washington, D.C.
Funding was granted for $100.00 per student participating from General Fund.

Trip to Mexico

WRIDE Organization for expenses for Post-Prom Party.
Funding was granted for $250.00 from General Fund.

Drug Awareness with Russell J. Simon Jr. as the speaker.
Funding was granted for $200.00 from the General Fund.

Seven scholarships granted to Wood River Rural High Seniors.
Funding from various established scholarship funds for $1,550.00.

Funding for ASK US; an outdoor education experience.
Funding of $200.00 to come from General Fund.

The Wood River Highway Beautification Project.
Funding of $2,000.00 from General Fund.

Dayton Edmonds a Native American Storyteller presented programs at the High School and Elementary School.
Funding of $500.00 from the General Fund.

Improvements at the ball fields.
Funding of $500.00 from General Fund.

For their employee scholarship fund.
Funding of $350.00 from the Maurice and Helen DeVore Fund.


The following requests for grants were funded in 1995-1996:

CLOSE-UP Group to fund trip to Washington, D.C.
Funding was granted for $100.00 per student participating from the Education Fund.

PTO to help fund new playground equipment.
Funding of $500.00 from General Fund.

Rural Schools Enrichment Day.
Funding was granted for $50.00 from Education Fund.

WRIDE Organization for expenses for Post-Prom Party.
Funding was granted for $250.00 from General Fund.

Parks Committee for a Spring “96” Park Clean Up.
Funding was granted for $50.00 from General Fund.

Funding to update juvenile collection of books on states.
Funding of $100.00 from the Abbott Fund was granted.

Science Department for Physics laser discs.
Funding of $999.00 from the Francis Knight Fund.

Future Business Leaders of America for National FBLA Conference in Washington, D.C.
Funding of $100.00 per student participating was granted from the Education Fund.

Partial Funding for ASK U’s an outdoor education experience at Camp Augustine and Crane Meadows.
The grant was approved for $150.00 with disbursement of funds from the General Fund.

Help fund an Attention Deficit Disorder Workshop.
Funding of $1,500.00 was approved from the Lowell-Keezer Fund.